Showing posts with label moderation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moderation. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I love fries..good for diet??

Our idea of portion control - leave 1 of each behind LOL


  Ok, why is it so hard not to eat fries? I've actually done pretty good at limiting my meals these days since you can eat most things with moderation but what about fries? Why are they sooo good? It's the only real fried food my bf likes, its one of the few fried foods my bff likes as well so between them I've eaten fries at least 5 times since last week LOL. I've been good with it though. I only eat enough to satisfy my craving since they ordered but I don't know how this will help with the "NEW ME" lol.

For instance check out today's lunch. We split a garden burger but then had small order of fries (yes small order) but we also added it's cousin, the fried Zucchini! Another evil in itself. A veggie gone wrong LOL.

Anybody else, have a good solution to saying no to fries? I didn't run/walk yesterday but will tonight and in all fairness it's only Tuesday. I worked out and was super active all weekend so I don't feel guilty but today's fries can't be good LOL.

I guess I better eat a healthy dinner and forget about it.

However, I have 5 dinner/drink events starting Wednesday - Sunday. Then I travel all next week. I'm so scared! This is when I go bad! I'm going to have to switch to morning runs for the week to stay on top of it because between all the birthdays, work functions, farewell party and THE SUPERBOWL..I'm going to hurt.

Wish me luck, send me advice or alternatives..I'm going to need them! Ok back to work I go now LOL.