Showing posts with label lose weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose weight. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Weigh in - Week 7 - lost a pound!

  I’m excited at my progress! Lost another pound…even while traveling! Very pleased and was excited when I weighed myself midweek and found I had lost 2 more pounds lol (204!) but I know it will be short lived because we fluctuate daily (official weigh in is Sunday’s) but I’m happy to see that now my fluctuating weight is now 204 – 208. Nothing worse than seeing during the week that you gained 5 pounds lol! Right?

I’ve managed to maintain my running workout momentum. I’m even up to 3.3 miles of straight running @ 53 minutes now! So cool! Last night I was punished for eating greasy food. I ate 1 ½ pupusa..I so didn’t need the 2nd one..was so full! The next time I do opt for one will be cheese only, the mixed with bacon one hit me hard and I lived in the bathroom for a long time. It even affected my nightly workout. I was already feeling cold, sleepy and tired so adding the “need” to go to the bathroom didn’t help. I ended up only walking 2 miles and came home. No running for me!

I think I’m back to west coast time zone, I had forced myself to stay awake most of these nights until 11 – midnight to force myself into our time zone or I would be sleeping by 8pm nightly lol. I guess it’s not a bad thing but it does affect me on weekends because I’m wide awake by 6am LOL!

I’m looking forward to a calm and relaxing weekend…no traveling..and do plan on enjoying good food and company. I will not drink. No plans until next weekend (vacation at Big Bear Mountains) but I hope to keep that within reason lol.

Hope I weigh in at a low 205 Sunday J So close to being back under the 200’s!! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Changes I've noticed on my #body...

As I'm easing into week 6 I've noticed changes already happening in my body due to the daily run/walks, increased water intake (from almost 0 - 5-8 bottles of water daily!), and decrease in food. I'm sleeping better and deeper now. I really do feel rested now when I wake up. My face is pretty clear. I've never really had face issues and still get the "teen" flareups here and there but my skin is looking pretty smooth and even these days. Can't describe it but I hold my water increase responsible LOL.

I'm noticing the slow reshaping of my body. I'm still at the beginning of my journey but I can already see my waist again (yay) and I can see my legs smoothing out.

I'm still at the run/walk of my daily routine. I don't punish myself if I can't work out one day but I continue it the next day. I'm still doing 2 miles daily. I will be increasing it to 3 miles as soon as I can get my time down to 20 minutes each mile at least. I'm still at 25-30 minutes per mile. Very slow, although, my heart is racing and I'm sweating (only the parts I run) so I know it's working me out.

I also added ab work to my routine. I make it a habit to stretch, throw in some squats and kickboxing, but mostly I do sit-ups. My stomach is getting flatter and my "love handles" are getting smaller. Can't wait till it's all gone!

I'm very happy with how things are going. I noticed too that with eating less, my appetite has gotten smaller so now I really do get full faster with less food. I'm glad I shrunk my stomach lol. So I'm still eating bad for me foods but less of it or omitting the extra starches lol. It's helping me that's for sure!

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year. New me!

Date: 1/1/2012
Weight: 211 (yikes!)

Activity up to this date: none
Activity this week: biking (few minutes), walking, brisk walking and finally I ran! Only for a fraction of a mile but it's a start :)

2012 is going to be my year! I'm planning on becoming as active physically as I used to be. It's been such a struggle to even become motivated to do this but I'm already feeling a better and I've only been working out for 1 week LOL.

Diet has not improved at all this week. Still had a lot of starches and fried foods but I got rid of sodas haha. That is a big deal for me! Let's see how long I can go before I cave. I gave up soda once for 2 years right before I moved away from Boston but a year into LA living (2 years total) I got sucked into "my first one" LOL. They said it's only 1 big's big for me!

Ok well, Operation Get Moving has begun. Wish me luck!