Showing posts with label jog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jog. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New week!

 I'm so excited! As of today I weight 204.8! That’s over 2 pounds lost since last week! The only thing I did differently this past week was not work out lol. Yup, that's it. I ate and drank (it was my birthday week…I had to go out often lol) but I started working out during the weekend again. Taking breaks are great but you have to put a time limit on it! I did it only for 5 days but I was anxious the whole time lol.

I’m back to my hour long Zumba dancing and will start mixing it up by doing a walk/jog 2 -3 times a week starting this weekend. I've been hesitant in running since one of my knees swelled up last year but I figure I'll take it easy and see how my body responds.

As far as diet, I’m back to eating better this week (at least better than last week lol) but still nowhere near my goal of healthy eating. I am a foodie. I live for good, albeit fatty at times, food. This will be my lifetime struggle. My life goal is to curb it and eat all I want in moderation. This is where my workouts come in. I would rather run 2 hours and enjoy my pizza lol. I have noticed that I’m doing well in just eating half my meal when I go out. Whenever possible I share!

Let’s see what life brings this next week! Wish me luck! J

Friday, January 13, 2012

Week 2 going great!

I've been able to continue my jog/walk. I'm up to half of each now. Big step! That is 1/2 mile each :) My diet has been really good this week. Between my change in diet, no soda and steady walk/jogs I've already lost the 2 bloated pounds I gained lol. I'll know officially Sunday at weigh in if my weight loss stuck since I know it can fluctuate depending on time and day etc.

Either way, weight loss success!! Another big step! :)

My new bike decal - my blog name!