Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New week!

 I'm so excited! As of today I weight 204.8! That’s over 2 pounds lost since last week! The only thing I did differently this past week was not work out lol. Yup, that's it. I ate and drank (it was my birthday week…I had to go out often lol) but I started working out during the weekend again. Taking breaks are great but you have to put a time limit on it! I did it only for 5 days but I was anxious the whole time lol.

I’m back to my hour long Zumba dancing and will start mixing it up by doing a walk/jog 2 -3 times a week starting this weekend. I've been hesitant in running since one of my knees swelled up last year but I figure I'll take it easy and see how my body responds.

As far as diet, I’m back to eating better this week (at least better than last week lol) but still nowhere near my goal of healthy eating. I am a foodie. I live for good, albeit fatty at times, food. This will be my lifetime struggle. My life goal is to curb it and eat all I want in moderation. This is where my workouts come in. I would rather run 2 hours and enjoy my pizza lol. I have noticed that I’m doing well in just eating half my meal when I go out. Whenever possible I share!

Let’s see what life brings this next week! Wish me luck! J

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2013 - Battle of the Bulge continued!

Wow I can't believe it's been a year since I last blogged about my weight! It's amazing how time flies and nothing changes LOL.

The dreaded scale at work!
The battle of the bulge continues for me. I have gained and lost the same 5-10 pounds now for the past year. However, I stopped working out last April 2012 after my knee became inflamed due to my running. So I gave my knee some time off and now I know I'm ready to get back on top!

I started Zumba dancing at home (along with an occasional Just Dance 4 "Just Sweat" session lol) on my WII to get started and have lost a few inches and a couple pounds since doing this 45 days ago! Woohoo!

What has helped me get started is joining (and creating) the Biggest Loser campaign at work. It has been fun getting back into the swing of things and I'm constantly sending out tips and encouragement to all my team members! So far I rank in 4th - 5th place of weight loss but have long way to go lol.

I left off in 2012 at 197 I believe and now (after drinking and eating for the past week due to my birthday) I am now at 207.2. My diet in the evenings has somewhat improved thanks to my bf who is also working on losing weight and my coworker (and cousin) who also is working on losing weight. I have cut down significantly on soda's again and hope to keep chipping at it until it's completely gone. I'm down to 1 - 2 a week right now :/

Pumped and ready to begin again :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 17 - No weight change

197.2 now! Lost 2 ounces LOL
I am not going to say I reached a plateau this week. I stayed the same because I didn't work out. At least not really. I walked/ran only 2 times last week. That's really bad for me. That explains why I felt heavy last week and only lost 2 ounces lol. Plus I didn't work out because I went out both for lunch and dinners most nights so I was busy. So not good for me! Luckily my metabolism is still working hard for me but not really working out last couple of weeks is not helping me!

I also noticed that I lose energy when I don't work out. Feels like a catch 22 for me. I don't work out I get sluggish but when I feel sluggish I just want to watch TV and don't want to get up and run lol. What to do right? This week I forced myself up and out of there. Hurt me to get back on track but I'm already feeling better :)

It's going to be hard to get back into complete shape this week because its my birthday week and have lots of events to attend lol. So much to do so little time! Actually what I'm doing (which I should of done last week) is switch over to morning runs instead of evening runs since my nights are busy. I have 2 parties (including my birthday one :) ) this weekend so it's going to be a challenge to keep up my good work lol. Shots, shots, shots! Come on next week!! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week 16 - Stabilizing

I'm 197.4 - 1st goal is 190!

I stabilized at 197. I really thought I would gain a pound as I stabilized (losing 3 pounds in 1 week was extreme for me) which did happen. I ran half the week and went out a couple days so it wasn't a heavy work out week. It really has been harder to get fully into running daily again and I think I’m finding excuses why I can’t work out that night lol. I’m feeling so sluggish and lazy again. Definitely have to force myself to go out nightly. Get back into it Hernandez!! :) I won the Biggest Loser contest entered with my friends so that should motivate me to continue right? Haha

On the upside my running speed, as slow as it is, has been very steady and improving. My endurance is better too. I ran 5 miles twice last week so that says a lot. Still doing it all in an hour but at least it’s happening. My goal is to improve my speed so in the end I can do 4 -5 miles in about 30 – 40 minutes max. It’s going to be a while before I can do that but it’s what I’m striving for.

Like I said above I’m feeling tired and ready for a nap so my running times are later and later at night. I have been struggling to get up and out. I shouldn’t of given myself a whole week off. I liked it lol. I have not been good at taking my vitamins as I should be. I take them every other day when I remember. I also bought Fish Oil vitamins last night so hopefully that helps me.

If I gain or stay at the same weight this week then I have to face the fact that I have reached a plateau and I will have to change things up sooner than I thought. Getting fit takes so much concentration LOL. Can I just tell you that last night I had Wing Stop for dinner? At 9pm!! (yes SMH lol)  I ate 5 wings and a giant handful of fries and I felt like I had to hide that. I ran to my room and devoured my meal LOL. I will have to make more cheat times that just my weekend breakfasts I think :) 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 15 - lost 3 pounds!

Wow 196.6!

Wow so did I really lose 3 pounds? Could it be the week I took off from running helped me past the mini-plateau I encountered at 199? Or will it go back up a pound or so when I weigh myself this weekend when I stabilize? I’m still scared that the scale is wrong but I’ll take it LOL. I think it helped that I didn’t eat badly last week at all. Stayed about 1200 – 1400 calories daily. 

It took me a couple days to get back in the swing of things by not running for almost 1 week but I’m back! My body feels stronger now. I think I had pushed myself too hard by running daily but its feeling good now. I was able to run past 3 miles this Saturday! 

I’m still working on diet I’m still trying to find ways to incorporate more veggies into my diet and trying to remember to take my vitamins daily but it’s so hard. It’s not normal for me yet. But I know in time it will be.

I have added an occasional “juice drink” into a meal here and there, an “Orange Bang” or a lemonade but I don’t want to make it into a habit. I got used to drinking water all day and plan on continuing this. And I have been craving coke’s again. I miss the taste of it and it gets hard to ignore sometimes because I want it on a hot sunny day lol. Stay strong right?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 14 - Weigh in - same weight

Stayed the same @ 199.6
Ok so my weight stayed the same this week. As long as it doesn't go up it's good right LOL. Last week was really hectic. Everyday somebody needed me for something so I didn't really get to work out all week. I walked a mile and a half on Tuesday and I ran on Saturday but that's about it. However, I was never inactive. I walked all day everyday so I'm pretty that's why I didn't gain any weight.

I also wasn't in the best of moods all week. I was sad and tense all week due to my grandmother's passing away last weekend and having to deal with the funeral this past week. I was happy I was so busy all week because I didn't want to sit down and think about it. Now I'm just trying to get back into my routine.

I feel almost normal today. Had a 3 mile walk. I didn't feel like running but at least I was able to walk :) As I've been told before...just keep on pushing! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Week 13 - Weigh in - lost a pound!


I finally broke the 200 barrier! Sweet! I’m 9 pounds away from my first goal (190) :) So excited! After I reach that goal I will work towards my second goal (175). These small achievable goals are really helping me stay motivated!

I ran all week except for Saturday – Tuesday. I worked 12 – 15 hour shifts from Thursday – Saturday so there was no way I could fit in running. I was walking day and night so I didn’t feel guilty about not running. I slept all Sunday and Monday which I needed badly; I just felt drained. At least my work project is completed so I’m back to normal tonight. I ended up going out last night but I didn’t overdue it on food (did not go carb overboard) and just ate my protein (beef ribs lol) and salad.

I’m feeling kinda sluggish thinking about running today but I’m not giving up. I figure if I can do a nice walk/run/walk tonight that will still help me keep my metabolism going. Although, my body feels loved the break. My knees aren't sore and my legs feel strong. So maybe I needed this rest.

This is my last week of the biggest loser challenge I participated in with my gfs. I’m glad it’s over. I’m tired of being asked my weight and asking my roomie for her weight. I’ll still keep blogging my progress but now the pressure will be over. My overall long term goal is still to run a marathon in decent time so I have to keep working out until I’m a lean, mean, running machine LOL.