Showing posts with label soda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soda. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2013 - Battle of the Bulge continued!

Wow I can't believe it's been a year since I last blogged about my weight! It's amazing how time flies and nothing changes LOL.

The dreaded scale at work!
The battle of the bulge continues for me. I have gained and lost the same 5-10 pounds now for the past year. However, I stopped working out last April 2012 after my knee became inflamed due to my running. So I gave my knee some time off and now I know I'm ready to get back on top!

I started Zumba dancing at home (along with an occasional Just Dance 4 "Just Sweat" session lol) on my WII to get started and have lost a few inches and a couple pounds since doing this 45 days ago! Woohoo!

What has helped me get started is joining (and creating) the Biggest Loser campaign at work. It has been fun getting back into the swing of things and I'm constantly sending out tips and encouragement to all my team members! So far I rank in 4th - 5th place of weight loss but have long way to go lol.

I left off in 2012 at 197 I believe and now (after drinking and eating for the past week due to my birthday) I am now at 207.2. My diet in the evenings has somewhat improved thanks to my bf who is also working on losing weight and my coworker (and cousin) who also is working on losing weight. I have cut down significantly on soda's again and hope to keep chipping at it until it's completely gone. I'm down to 1 - 2 a week right now :/

Pumped and ready to begin again :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 11 - Weigh in!

My due diligence is paying off. I lost 2 more pounds this week! My total since I began in January 2012 is 13 pounds lost now :) I was exceptionally good last week though. Every night I ate dinner early, rested and then went out for my nightly run after. I think that helped too. I know I can’t continue that weekly because I have too many commitments but it was very peaceful and easy for me.

As my food habits are improving I do see the negative consequences of eating bad now. I’m not even craving it so much since it does affect me physically to eat greasy foods (ew right?). Except French fries. I can eat a handful here and there so that never harms me LOL. And I don’t feel deprived…well unless we talk about sodas. I do miss my occasional Coca Cola. That is the only thing I miss. My goal was never to eliminate it but to keep it as an occasional treat.

Again, I’m seeing a slimmer me now as I mentioned last week my bf commented on how big my jeans are getting and they had always been tight on me :)  I refuse to buy any new jeans until my “skinny” jeans are too big on me too lol. I am excited to stop being in the 200’s and look forward to the 100’s!! My immediate goal was to get down to 190. It’s tangible and I’m halfway there now! I'm running 3-4 miles nightly now so my first goal is going to happen sooner than I thought :)

Once I meet that goal, my next step will be 175. I’m taking it all as baby steps. Small goals at a time! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 3 - Weigh in

Date: 1/8/2012 
Weight: 209 :)
Activity up to this date: light bike/walk/jog/dance
Activity this week: Walk/jog/dance

Had awesome week! I lost 3 pounds. The 2 I had gained plus an extra one! I'm excited! Finally. It's been my 3rd week now no soda now, still sad about that lol. Between that and my daily walking, I'm pretty sure that contributed to my weight loss. I'm taking my walking up a notch this week. I'm going from 1 mile (1 walk around the park) to 2 miles! I still want to increase my speed. As I'm walking I have to keep reminding myself to speed up because I tend to get sucked into my music and stroll lol. No strolling! 

My roomie has managed to walk with me half the time...pretty good for her. She's not the most active person I know so that achievement is pretty good for her. It helped her lose 4 pounds this week. That and not eating as much LOL. We both ate less and better this week although I still had a lot of tortillas with my meals so the nutrition part of my overall change of life is less than satisfactory but better than 2011 already!

We did have a party this weekend and danced a lot on saturday. I dance most of the night and made sure to stay active. I also limited my alcohol intake to just Tequila shots so I didn't load up on juices and soda drinks as is my norm. I do plan on having some of these cocktails this AFC championship Sunday (go Patriots :)) but I'll make sure to work out ahead of time! I did do that this weekend, even Sunday, even though I was very tired, I still managed to do a brisk walk to continue my routine. 

Not only is weight loss a goal in 2012 for me but so is constant activity. I was too stationary in 2011 and I'm not going back! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Week 2 going great!

I've been able to continue my jog/walk. I'm up to half of each now. Big step! That is 1/2 mile each :) My diet has been really good this week. Between my change in diet, no soda and steady walk/jogs I've already lost the 2 bloated pounds I gained lol. I'll know officially Sunday at weigh in if my weight loss stuck since I know it can fluctuate depending on time and day etc.

Either way, weight loss success!! Another big step! :)

My new bike decal - my blog name!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week 2 continues

Week 2 is starting off slow. Nutrition wise I'm doing better than last week already but still had leftover nachos for dinner last night LOL. So I guess I still have more work to do on my diet haha.

Our mile walk around the park has now officially become a daily routine. We have it down in 1/2 hour. I told my roomie that next week we are circling the park twice plus I'm trying to increase the speed so we are not just strolling. I'll never lose any weight with a stroll around the park lol.

Still craving a soda. Really, really want a coke. Why can't I have just a little sip?? LOL. I'll leave it out of my diet for a while but it haunts me. I really do loooove a good Coke. It's so hard to ignore!

OK, let's see how the rest of the week shapes up. I want to make sure I eat well and work out all week because I have a birthday party this Saturday and I'd like to enjoy it:) I'm hoping for a homemade burger and a few drinks haha.

(Graphic from Google images) Mmmmmm Coke......

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year. New me!

Date: 1/1/2012
Weight: 211 (yikes!)

Activity up to this date: none
Activity this week: biking (few minutes), walking, brisk walking and finally I ran! Only for a fraction of a mile but it's a start :)

2012 is going to be my year! I'm planning on becoming as active physically as I used to be. It's been such a struggle to even become motivated to do this but I'm already feeling a better and I've only been working out for 1 week LOL.

Diet has not improved at all this week. Still had a lot of starches and fried foods but I got rid of sodas haha. That is a big deal for me! Let's see how long I can go before I cave. I gave up soda once for 2 years right before I moved away from Boston but a year into LA living (2 years total) I got sucked into "my first one" LOL. They said it's only 1 big's big for me!

Ok well, Operation Get Moving has begun. Wish me luck!